The Photographers of Lumen Foundry


Growing up in the vibrant San Francisco Bay Area, Westeigh was profoundly influenced by the breathtaking landscapes of Northern California, particularly those captured by the legendary Ansel Adams. His work inspired Westeigh’s own visits to national parks and instilled deep appreciation for nature’s beauty. As a self-taught and intuitive photographer, she has always been drawn to the art of storytelling and the power of images to evoke memories and emotions.

Westeigh’s photographic journey has been enriched by diverse influences, including the gritty street photography of Daido Moriyama and the narrative-driven work of Sophie Calle. These photographers, along with extensive travels, a voracious appetite for the arts, love of reading and writing, and a passion for film and documentaries, have all shaped Westeigh’s unique vision.

Specializing in emotional landscapes and finding beauty in the mundane and everyday moments, Westeigh’s work is primarily in black-and-white, aiming to create images that are both calming and meditative. Cherishing the traditional purist techniques of photography, Westeigh allows them to inform the artistic process, while also embracing the freedom to explore and innovate within the medium.

Through the lens, Westeigh strives to capture the serene and timeless moments that resonate with the viewer, inviting them into a world where each photograph tells a story and evokes a sense of introspection and connection.

Explore More: [Website Coming Soon]

Follow on Instagram: @westeigh

Artist's photograph by Susan Potter

Jeff Heyman

With over four decades of experience, Jeff Heyman has a rich background in fine art photography. He earned his Bachelor’s Degree in Fine Art Photography from San Francisco State University, studying under renowned painters Robert Bechtle and Paul Pratchenko. His advanced studies with Catherine Wagner, Don Worth, Jack Welpott and Melanie Walker further shaped his artistic vision.

Influenced by the vibrant artistic trends in San Francisco, Jeff’s work primarily focuses on black-and-white photography. In high school, he studied under Ralph Rappaport, an associate of Ansel Adams, who greatly influenced Jeff’s development in darkroom techniques. A pivotal meeting with the legendary Ruth Bernhard, facilitated by Rappaport, profoundly impacted Jeff’s future work.

Today, Jeff combines his classical training with new digital formats, creating unique hybrid style that honors the traditions of the past while embracing the innovations of the present.

Explore More: Visit Jeff Heyman’s Website

Follow on Instagram: @heymanphoto